Use "not to be sneezed at|not to be sneeze at" in a sentence

1. There should not be any political angularity to be looked at it.

2. 16 The balsam fir did not appear to be affected at all, or at least not much.

3. She liked to be good at things, and she was not good at dancing.

4. At present, eradicating dengue completely does not appear to be possible.

5. %# could not be loaded (%# at line %#, column %

6. • They were not to be Chastened by homilies like children at a

7. The package tour and chartered flights are not to be sneered at.

8. To make sense, these figures should not be looked at in isolation.

9. " He was not at all afraid To be killed in nasty ways

10. At 0 the outer frame will not be drawn at all.

11. Hence, he does not need to be at the location at which his active force operates.

12. But the ocean turned out to be very deceptive and not at all what it appeared to be.

13. Gratuitous promises can not be enforced at law.

14. Therefore, the defendant will not be held to answer to these charges at trial.

15. Other genera once thought to be cornaceous are doubtfully to not at all related.

16. Would you not be at least partly responsible?

17. Another kid with cerebral palsy might not be able to speak at all .

18. At first these laws were not to be written, lest they be taken as equal to the written Law.

19. Her obstetrician could not be present at the birth.

20. " The napkin should not be fastened at the neck.

21. He argued that a woman could not be married to two men at once.

22. The existing blacklist of substances not to be dumped at sea would be superseded by the blanket ban.

23. 12 I tried to be inconspicuous, but I could not stop staring at him, I could not stop listening to him.

24. Do not have then three at the same time to be in motion society.

25. Afghanistan should be at the centre of our connectivity networks, not peripheral to them.

26. But... it's not going to be at the bottom of a flagon of wine.

27. Consequently, the steerable wheel does not have to be positioned at a specific angle.

28. Someone sneezed loudly at the back of the hall.

29. At Hogwarts, you'll be taught not only how to use magic, but how to control it.

30. When Attend means ‘to be present at an event or activity’, it is not used with the prepositions to or at

31. • Explain why peace should not be pursued at any price.

32. At least she would not be submitted to the indignity of being seated below the salt at embassy dinners.

33. At the same time, competition should not be unduly delayed.

34. should not be taken until at least # hours after ORACEA

35. Maybe they would not be ridiculed or laughed at anymore.

36. 12 Marriages can not be ended at will or whim.

37. I expect to be questioned and not believed about winking at the man, but the policeman does not seem interested.

38. • allow the accommodation to be sub-let at the member’s, and not the landlord’s, discretion.

39. Contracts may not be split in order to arrive at lower contract costs than $25,000.

40. At a rally in Lebanon, New Hampshire, Obama urged his supporters not to be overconfident.

41. 21 They were not to be chastened by homilies like children at a Sunday school.

42. 5 The surplus at Hawker was not detailed yesterday but is believed to be substantial.

43. Do you think you'll ever be able to look at him and not blame me?

44. “Be kind to yourself, Lord,” he said, “you will not have this destiny at all.”

45. This man does not self- effacement at all, but he pretend to be like this.

46. This is not to be Cocky, but, I go over real well at Comic-Con

47. At first, some of the instructions may not have appeared to be a good strategy.

48. And not to be forgotten is the pleasant conversation around the dining tables at mealtimes.

49. Not to be there

50. Not wishing to be outdone, he decided to try out his language skills at a local shop.

51. It should not have to be explained at length, or be so long that the point being taught is overshadowed.

52. You know, because of your award, not because that busboy sneezed on it.

53. They will be paid for what they are good at, not what they're bad at.

54. If anyone should at all make an attack, it will not be at my orders.

55. They should be filled out carefully at home but NOT signed.

56. 7 Someone sneezed loudly at the back of the hall.

57. Hamlet's famous soliloquy, 'To be or not to be ...'

58. 12 You did not stop at that crosswalk back there. You need to be more careful.

59. The Abnormalities are often hard to recognize at birth and may not be diagnosed until puberty

60. He was shy and unassuming and not at all how you expect an actor to be.

61. The deacon is not Censed — or should not be Censed — at the reading of the gospel

62. Information and material not submitted at the time of the initial decision will not be accepted.

63. In addition, some tasks did not require them to have memory or be able to compute at all.

64. It is not enough to tinker at the edges; our objective must be to reconstruct the entire system.

65. This is not going to be any water vapor at one bar pressure on that cylinder.

66. If not a provisional card another way of permission to be seen properly at meaningful auditions.

67. Do not be afraid, for you will not be put to shame; and do not feel humiliated, for you will not be disappointed.

68. Digital Clocks can be programmed to go off at various times, so you will be sure not to miss work in the morning

69. Some Airfoils are designed to produce low drag (and may not be required to generate lift at all.)

70. 4 Do not be afraid,+ for you will not be put to shame;+

71. Don't tell me not to cry, to calm it down, not to be so extreme, to be reasonable.

72. However, Hegel interprets not-A as not existing at all, not nothing at all, which cannot be conceived, but indeterminate or "pure" being without particularity or specificity.

73. Your Scottish brogue might be terrible, but it'll still be funnier than not trying at all.

74. Such wools should then not be classified and labelled at all, not even as irritant, R 38.

75. Want to be an entrepreneur? At Ail, you are in business for yourself, but not by yourself

76. An Airbag module replacement will be at least $600, if not more

77. * Cell phones will not be allowed at any of the venue/s.

78. 22 You should be worklng at the snack bar, not playlng golf.

79. But not all eavesdropping can be accomplished at such a safe distance.

80. Do not be surprised if, initially, she directs her anger at you.